Wellness & Activities News and Resources

Take your care provision to the next level with our creative training courses

Everything you need to know about our creative training courses, including what’s included, learning outcomes and more

Get your residents moving with our exercise for older adults course

Discover everything you need to know about our exercise for older adults course, a bundle which is part of the Wellbeing and Activities Training for staff platform

Nutrition Awareness Month: Recipe of the Week - Shrimp and Chicken Paella

Explore flavours and stories of Spain with this easy Shrimp and Chicken Paella recipe!

Upskill your whole home with our wellness training courses!

Everything you need to know about our Wellness training courses, including what’s included and learning outcomes

Looking for easy recipes for older adults? Get inspired with Oomph!

We’re kicking off Nutrition Awareness Month with some sneak peeks into the most popular recipes on the Oomph! On-Demand platform

One in five care workers have multiple jobs, study finds

Almost a fifth of British care workers now have more than one job with different employers, according to a recent data report

How to get care home recruitment right

Care home recruitment can be a challenging process, so we are discussing some of the best ideas to help you get it right

Top tips on how to retain care home staff

Discover our top tips on how you can invest in your workforce and how to retain care home staff.

How puzzles for people with dementia can boost quality of life

Find out how puzzles for people with dementia can have a significant impact in quality of life and how they help to reduce cognitive decline