Oomph! On Demand
Partnering With NCF

Oomph!, part of Person Centred Software is passionate about enabling everyone to live a full life, for life and is the UK’s leading provider of wellbeing in care settings.

The National Care Forum is passionate about quality care in the not-for-profit care sector. Together we want to equip care homes to meet the need for rehab and demonstrate care homes are a place where individuals thrive.

Oomph! On Demand includes exercises and activities designed by expert therapists and practitioners along with specialist tools and resources, Live Classes, activities, and staff training and support.

Discharge is a priority for counties across the UK. In England £200m funding has been made available by Government for the NHS to buy short-term care beds via ICSs to allow people to be discharged from hospitals into care settings and receive rehabilitative care before returning to their homes.

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Why Oomph! On Demand?

Oomph! On Demand is a unique digital platform uniting wellbeing expertise with science and technology to allow care staff to create personalised wellbeing programmes with specialist exercise and activities, and with the ability to create bespoke rehabilitation plans.

Created by experts in wellbeing, mental health, dementia and nutrition On Demand empowers care homes to put expert rehabilitation plans in place, designed specifically around the needs of each individual resident and available to them 24-7.

Oomph! On Demand links to Electronic Care Systems and also includes a detailed reporting function to measure and demonstrate rehab outcomes, alongside resources, support, live classes and staff training.

Guide Videos

7 New Key Features

Getting To Know Your New Platform

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Get Involved!

Use this form to contact a member of our team to find out more about the 8-weeks free access* to Oomph! On Demand for NCF members.

*This offer is only for NCF members who are not currently signed up to Oomph or have taken up the offer previously.